Frequently Asked Questions

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Question:   1) I understand that I can make a lot more money buying whole carcasses instead of loin parts (Tenderloin, Fillet Mignon, Sirloin, Ribloin, Ribeye)with the latter unit price at least double. But how do I recoup my investment money buying the "non-prime parts" as well?
Answer:     That premise was based on false premise. Many chefs buy whole carcasses and reserve the "non-prime" Wagyu parts for minced meat, burger patties, soup broth, barbecue grille and recently very pricey thinly-sliced SUKIYAKI, SHABU-SHABU pieces. All you need is a "Sukiyaki Cutter" (see photo below). Thinly-sliced Wagyu pieces sell near the expensive loin parts.